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Small Scissor Bee

The UK’s smallest bee. The females mainly collect pollen from bellflowers and nest inside woodworm holes in dead wood. The males sleep inside flowers.


Blue Sky Thinking

In a world that often feels increasingly divided and tumultuous, it’s easy to get caught up in the noise—especially on platforms like Twitter, now known as X. Social media was once a beacon of hope for connecting people, sharing ideas, and fostering positive change. But in recent years, the tides have shifted. Many of these platforms have become breeding grounds for toxicity, misinformation, and negativity. At Avallen Spirits, we believe that if we want to create the world we want to live in, we need to be deliberate about where we focus our energy and values.


The Power of Words: Talking the Talk

Words matter. They shape our thoughts, influence our actions, and ultimately, create the world around us. At Avallen, we’ve always believed in using our voice for good—to inspire change, challenge the status quo, and advocate for sustainability and environmental responsibility. But there’s a difference between talking the talk and truly walking the walk.

Social media platforms like X, while powerful, often amplify the very voices that stand against the positive change we wish to see in the world. The platform has become a space where divisive rhetoric often drowns out meaningful dialogue. As a brand committed to making a positive impact, we’ve come to a crossroads: Do we continue to engage in a space that increasingly contradicts our values, or do we step away and focus on building something better?

Leaving the Toxicity Behind

After much reflection, we’ve decided to leave Twitter/X. This wasn’t an easy choice. We understand the reach and influence the platform has, but we also understand the importance of aligning our actions with our values. By continuing to participate in a space that often fuels negativity, we would be contradicting our own mission to create a positive, sustainable future.

Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond producing planet-positive spirits. It’s about cultivating a culture of kindness, respect, and proactive change. We can’t control the atmosphere of social media platforms, but we can control how and where we engage with our community.

Building the World We Want to Live In

Stepping away from X is part of a broader commitment to building the world we want to live in. This means investing our time and resources in platforms and spaces that align with our values—where we can engage in constructive conversations, share our journey, and inspire others to join us in making a difference.

We’re focusing on creating meaningful content, fostering genuine connections, and supporting causes that reflect our brand’s mission. Whether it’s through our blog, Instagram, or collaborations with like-minded organisations, we’re committed to contributing to the world in ways that resonate with our vision of sustainability, positivity, and progress.

Staying True to Our Values

At Avallen Spirits, we’re not just talking the talk—we’re walking the walk. Leaving X is just one step in our ongoing journey to align every aspect of our brand with the values we hold dear. We believe in a world where businesses can be a force for good, where sustainability isn’t just a buzzword, and where the way we communicate reflects the world we’re striving to build.

Where are we going? We're heading to a new platform called Blue Sky, a place where the community is positive, friendly, and welcoming, free from the toxicity and bots that have infected X.

We encourage you to join us on this journey. Let’s continue to have meaningful conversations, share stories of positive change, and work together to create a world where our values aren’t just ideals, but realities.

Thank you for being part of the Avallen community. Together, we can build a better future—one that’s kinder, more sustainable, and truly aligned with the world we all want to live in.

Let’s keep talking the talk, and more importantly, let’s keep walking the walk!

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